Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Reminiscing the old times....=)

cindellyna @ old trafford's stadium!=)

Salam all....!!!How's everbody's life? Hope that everthg's fine & may all your planning goes smoothly & more importantly,"happy becoming the sweetest bride in the world!"=)

I was googling when I saw this picture of mine in some old trash folder.huhu. I am a fan of Manchester United. My fiance too. But owh well, there has been a lot of rumors bout the team lately. hehehe. When I saw this pic, I suddenly realized that I am grateful for what I am now....=). Somehow, I managed to travel all around the world during my so-called-university years...huhu

Some places I went b4:
1) USA (of course!been to 45 states.5 left....xsmpat nk pusing habis...)huhu
2) UK (went to MU's stadium, liverpool, Harrod's, London Bridge, Oxford Street..etc)
3) Spain (Madrid etc)
4) Italy (Venice, Rome.......etc)
5) France (went to Eiffel tower.....etc)

So now, I am thinking about traveling my own country. I've never been to Sabah before. Ppl say it's really beautiful & you can travel to lots of places there. * I'm thinking my honeymoon kat Sabah or Sipadan Island*. ok tak?Any suggestions?

Ok.honestly, I am a bit dissapointed for not knowing so much about my own country....Perhaps I have to spend more time travellling Msia first. I do think that M'sia has the nicest beach in the world. Why should I go somewherelse if I can have all the nicest views here?

Later agenda in my life this year; I want to explore all islands in M'sia. Sound really exciting isn't it? Probably the cheaper way for your honeymoon destination too!=).

want to go to Redang Island so badly..........!Can't wait!=). Ops, sory juga ye because this entry has nothing to do with "wedding". Hehehe


Monday, July 20, 2009

Kulit gebu, putih & berseri for every bride-to-be!=)

Salam all..........!!=)

A sincere apology from me because I've been too busy lately..& that's what been keeping me from updating this blog.hehehe.=p.Wekend is over already!I didn't realize time flies too fast.......I guess you also won't be able to realize how fast you've grown up. Wahh...when I think about it again, I didn't even realized that I've been changing my habits accordingly to my age (heh).I noticed that I am getting older now & I no longer love the "kelakarness" of those Ujang or Utopia mags....I prefer to read something more matured now like majalah IMPIANA, RAPI, PENGANTIN, CLEO, DECO etc...It's all about ♥♥♥♥, life, health, family, and future. I believe that some of you feel the same way too. Isn’t it?Betul kan?Kalau nk tahu, try list some of yr favs from the past. Compare to what u are right now. Then u’ll know=)

Well, this time it’s not exactly about some of wedding thingy but more on “petua-petua” traditional that you can try…..DIY at home je.Ops! I guess I can just called this entry as “DIY favs” then?hehehee.*baru je terfikir.=p*.Hrm, I always wonder juga…why, Asian ppl love to have fairer skin when the European ppl just love to have “tanned” or “sun-kissed” skin? The truth is, when I was in States, they always adore my “tanned” skin. They think I am lucky to have a very nice skin color. Some sort of a perfect combination of skin color. hehehe =p. Not too fair, and a little bit tanned. *actually kat msia dah kira putih dah nih*hehehe. For yr info, not all Kelantanese ppl are fair u know. Some of them je! Cause I heard most ppl are saying that Kelantanese ppl have a fairer skin. Most of us la...not all..hehe

Well, honestly, from my p.o.v, people tend to go against nature. Kita sanggup spend almost thousands of RM to get fairer, American sanggup spend the same amount of money to get tanned. For them, "tanned is always hot & sexy" but for us, having a white, fairer skin is somewhat a ‘must’ especially to every bride-to-be kan? I can’t deny the fact that I LOVE to have a fairer skin too….I spend almost quarter of my salary to buy health & beauty products. heehe. But well, u can try all these “petuas” too.They works!!!!!!Try it yourself =). It’s a cheaper way to get fairer & pretty before your w-day.=).N-way,bersyukurlah atas apa yang kita miliki juga ye.
"Be grateful for what u are now " =)

Sources: Taken from everywhere!

Kulit cantik dan putih.

1) Bancuh susu tepung bersama air sejuk. Sapukan di muka dan biarkan kering seketika. After that basuh dengan air. Lakukan selalu. See the difference!=) (♥!)

2) Inginkan kulit cantik dan putih? Anda boleh lakukan sendiri di rumah tanpa perlu ke salun kecantikan. Caranya sangat mudah iaitu dengan hanya menggunakan tepung ubi kayu dan mentimun yang dihancur bersama. Campurkan sedikit air dan pastikan adunan tak terlalu cair.Sapukan pada muka dan biarkan kering. Cara ini dapat menegang, mencerah dan menyegarkan kulit muka!

3) Ambil air rebusan beras. Sapu dimuka dan biarkan kering seketika. Kemudian bilas. Amalkan selalu. (♥!)

4) Ambil sebiji limau nipis dan belah dua.Gosok pada muka dan seluruh badan ketika mandi. Hasilnya kulit semakin cerah, licin dan berbau harum!!!

Menghaluskan/menyerikan kulit muka.

1)Bancuh air asam jawa bersama tepung ubi. Kacau hingga menjadi larutan pekat dan tampal dimuka sebagai pupur. Biarkan kering selama 15 minit dan barulah dibilas.

2)Ambil putih telur dan campurkan dgn sedikit madu (utk kulit biasa) @ limau nipis (utk kulit berminyak). Celupkan tisu ke dlm putih telur dan letakkan seluruh muka selama 15 - 20 minit. Tunggu sehingga kering dan tarik tisu tersebut. 'Whitehead' dan bintik hitam akan tertanggal bersama. Lakukan 2 kali seminggu utk kesan yg memuaskan

3) Skrub yang mudah!Ambil sedikit oat dan perahkan sedikit lemon dan campurkan sedikit madu. Sapu pada muka. Lakukan sekurangnya 2 kali seminggu.

4) Serikan wajah dengan merendam teh semalaman. Sapu pada seluruh muka keesokan harinya sebelum mandi. Wajah anda akan beransur-ansur licin dan kelihatan segar. (♥!)

Pulihkan kulit terbakar akibat matahari

1)Parutkan jagung muda dan tomato kemudian ambil patinya.Gaul dengan 1 camca madu. Sapu pada keseluruhan kulit. Amalkan setiap hari.Lihat hasilnya. (♥!)

If tak berkesan, try other products okey.I am a newbie though. As for me, I am still considering to buy SK II Miracle Water Treatment…..but it is worth the price & time left before my w-day?It will costs me RM 300++ tau….huhuhu

You can try these products too:
1)Tia Amelia Whitening Set (RM 90-set)
2) OLAY White Radiance (RM 54.90)
3) SHU UEMURA White Recovery EX+ Whitening Lotion (RM 145)
4) CHANEL White Essential Skin Illuminating Program (RM 364-set).
5) CLARINS White Plus HP Intensive Whitening with Snow Lotus (RM 480-set)

p/s: Get a lot of Vitamin A, C and E too…….( I got all these vitamins from Vemma juice)! I love to share. Share the product u ! Sharing is caring!=)


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ingin baju nikah yang cantik? Kenali fabriknya =)

what kind of fabric do you think she's wearing?=)

Salam all.....!!!!=)

Tiba-tiba malam ni rasa nak update juga blog nih walapun xde benda menarik.hehehe.I don't know why........I just feel that this is yet the best place to share my so-called "emotional" moments...huhu. Honestly, I didn't want to share all these writings with the people I that I can see and meet everday. I only love to share with my on9 friends. I feel free to speak and write what I want. I feel that it won't be a surprise anymore if we share these with people that we know. But of course, sooner or later kene juga share kan..?hehehe.but not right now la...since I haven't actually decide my wedding date!=p

After blog hopping & surveying, I found out about the "akad nikah" fabric. Well, suma orang pun nak pkai baju akad nikah tercantik di dunia kan? *me too...* tapi bukan semua fabrik sesuai dengan tubuh kita be careful in choosing the fabric ye?

Some more info about the fabrics: taken from NONA mags. April 09

-Kesan romantik dan feminin akan terserlah dengan kesan dominan renda. Renda juga terdiri daripada jenis contohnya renda Chantily yang halus & boleh melapisi bahan kaku. Lyon yang mempunyai nuasa 'border', Alencon yang mempunyai nuansa bungaan dan renda Vanesia yang umpama jaring dan mempunyai border.

-Bahan sulaman yang timbul umpama gelombang. Jika ingin dilihat mewah, pilih warna emas. Sulaman broked Cina lagi bagus coz ia lebih 'detail' and kompleks.

-Fabrik ini ditenun dari 2 kepompong. Permukaan kain tak rata tapi fabrik ini halus dan elegan. Fabrik ini tak melambai tapi lebih ringan dari satin Duchesse. Sangat sesuai untuk gaun kembang.

-Cirinya ringan dan berjaring halus. Biasanya digunakan sebagai skirt di bahagian dalam gaun. Namun boleh juga digunakan di bahagian. luar gaun

SATIN ( ♥ ! )
-Dibuat dari kapas atau sutera. Sangat lembut dan licin apabila dipegang. Untuk kesan elegan, satin Duchesse adalah pilihan tepat. Satin sintetik pula berat dan hanya sesuai untuk pakaian dalam.

TAFETA ( ♥ ! )
-Pilihan terbaik untuk gaun. Halus, berkilat, berbunyi gemersik namun tatap selesa apabila dikenakan.

-Fabrik ini lembut dan memiliki pola khusus. Mempunyai rekaan unik dan tidak sesuai untuk semua golongan pemakai. Kalau kene dengan rekaan, gaun akan nampak lain dari kebiasaan.

Well readers, jum share fabrik mana yang menarik untuk digunakan bagi tujuan baju akad nikah!I just knew about this!Maybe u have some better opinion?=). Ops, lagi satu, sure designer baju nikah kita nanti tahu which is the best option right?but it's still better if u know the fabrics well !!It's your 'once in a lifetime event' remember?Don't spoil it.........=)

p/s: Again, sharing is caring! (^_^)


Monday, July 13, 2009


Salam all....!!=)

Warghh...penatnye today....keje banyak kat office.huhu.....but anyway beautiful ladies..... I have one question to ask:

"Will the "hantaran kawin" actually depends on our "status"?

Well, apa yang aku maksudkan ialah jika aku grad from overseas & keje as diplomatic officer, is my hantaran supposed to be expensive (maybe RM10k >?) I wonder why people keep on questioning me about my "hantaran" price. I keep on wondering why manusia zaman sekarang suka melihat kepada status orang tu. Bukan tahap kemampuan dia. Even if kita nak buat majlis simple2 pun, sure ada orang yang berbisik2...kenapa kita tidak buat majlis secara besar-besaran....?bagi aku....kita xperlu tunjuk-menunjuk tentang kehebatan perkahwinan masing2...cukuplah sekadar bersederhana tetapi meriah...kan?'s just something that lingers in my head for a very long time ago...for me it wasn't important if our "hantaran" is not as expensive as the others......but what is the most important is......

our heart.

our promises to be together during good/bad times.

our journey towards happily ever after life.

our ikatan yang direstui Ilahi.

& our future family.....

Me & my prince haven't actually decide about our hantaran yet. We would like to get some opinions from beloved families first. Hantaran less than RM5k is uncommon now.kalau ada pun very rare.even orang berpendapatan sederhana pun sure at least RM8k ++. kan?Aku kasihan juga tgk orang yang kurang berkemampuan terpaksa berkerja keras untuk mencari duit hantaran bagi bakal isteri......well, it's good too...because we'll know they'll work hard to actually get married to the person they love kan...?hehhehehe.=p

I am not being demanding. Syukur to Allah.....I happily accept what my prince offers. I accept his heart as my precious gift ever. Not the hantaran. Not the "kekayaan dunia" that he offers. I only seek for his comfort, his calming voices & his warm shoulders.....and of course, Allah's Blessing in our marriage.....=).

p/s: Let's be honest about this.Share your opinion!Sharing is caring!=)

♥ Love ♥

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Eyeing on this favors! =)

Salam all....!!

Just a quick checklist for me so I won't forget what's on my mind now.hehehe.=p *I'll suggest u to jot down your ideas immediately cause I think it will help a lot when the time comes...!=)*

Here's what I am considering for my wedding favors as for: Sat, 11 July 2009

Will need:
* Paper bag
* Customized cards
* Ribbons
* Cute gift box

1) Pearl brooch/baju melayu buttons (♥!) :
- my sis kat Sabah will help me out with this

2)Cute white adorable mug
(can be used as everday's mug) (♥!):

-got this idea from kak sam's wedding!!=)

3)Anything cute like pillow/tissue cases
(so the guests will remember our wedding!)

-will survey on the price 1st.

4)Scented candles/ pot pourri
(sweeeeet, elegant & refreshing aromatheraphy for my precious guests!)(♥!)

-will survey 1st

5)Manisan (for kids):

- Chocs, bahulu & etc

6)Tasbih/maybe some inspirational books?
-still considering

p/s: Will update the list later!=)

♥ Love ♥

Friday, July 10, 2009


Salam all!!! =)

I found this interesting!!To all bride-to-be, try this for fun. No worries, ini hanya sekadar suka-suka & it might help to alleviate yr stress too!.hihihi.Have fun all!!!~=)

Here's my result =p

" Charming Dreamer Child at Heart, The Princess Inside. "

Charming with a capital C, Katies see the world as a romantic adventure—a day-to-day fantasy with true love as the happy ending. Friends often tease you that you have your head in the clouds. But can you think of a better place to float? Once upon a time, you were a little girl dreaming of the day where your love-struck prince swept you away. That day has arrived. Never one to follow the boring, beaten path, you haven’t let your sense of innocent wonder escape you as you grew into the fun-loving person you are now.

Perhaps when you were a little girl you dreamed of faraway kingdoms, and you know today that your fantasy could be waiting just around the corner. As a Katie, each new day brings exciting new possibilities. Every glass is half-full, and every closed door is a mystery waiting to be explored. You’re a fountain of optimism, no matter what the situation, and your sense of humor is a beacon to those around you.

Your favorite movie is Sleepless In Seattle, though sometimes you still watch The Princess Bride. You recognize that a wedding event is more than just a ceremony—it’s a celebration of your true essence and a chance to show the world you’re a princess in your own life story. Romance to you means castles and sunrises, white horses and pink roses. At your wedding you wear a graceful dress fit for a prince’s ball, surrounded by your lifelong friends for bridesmaids. Your fiancé is your knight in shining armor,

" ......your true forever & always."

The reception will be held in a lavish garden or under a white tent, with all of nature to help you celebrate. You want everything to be perfect. That is, your version of perfect. Maybe it's not "traditional", to dress up your shih tzu in a little tuxedo, but isn't it your day after all? Your guests will carry home keepsake candles or sachets filled with aromatic potpourri. Your honeymoon in London or Versailles around storybook castles ancient and beautiful. So dream on, Princess Cindellyna! Wear the dress you’ve been imagining since your enchanted childhood days and never lose that inner glow. This is your special day—

".........and the beginning of your happily ever after life. "

I found it somewhat true....hehehe.I am a dreamer!& will continue to dream on what I believe..!Doakan kejayaan dan kebahagiaan kami ya....? =)

♥ Love ♥

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

yeay!got my checklist! =)

♥ all the details!=)

Salam all.........!=) stressed me out not knowing the exact date of our wedding. As I mentioned earlier in this blog, I really need a checklist first. *need it so I can really start planning!* wink wink =p

Now I got it so it's time to make it work ppl!!!!! (^-^) * chaiyokk!!!*wish me luck!

6 months before

1. Decide upon a wedding date:
- tak sure lagi…year 2010

2. Decide on your budget:
-RM ????? termasuk kenduri….?

3. Start looking for your wedding outfit.
- Akad Nikah:

4. Decide in your bridesmaids and ushers:
-Bridesmaids: My Sisters
-Flower girls :Lisya,all the girls

5. Decide on your ‘Best Man’:
-Dependson my fiance

6. Fill out any marriage forms:
- Later

7. Go to marriage course:
-Kene ke?=p. I already have the sijil during my INTEC years!

8. Decide on the number of guests and make a list :
-aja: Member faris,kmpk,intec,iowa state

-yeop: kawan hi school etc

9. Book the caterer:
-Done. Upah my auntie & tha geng.=p

10. Book tukang kompang, PA system, entertainment:
- where to booked?

11. Book the photographer & videographer:
- Still looking!~

12. Book the pelamin/decor/hand bouquet:
- Still looking !~

13. Book the honeymoon and apply for a new passport:
- Tak sure honeymoon kat maner. Lagi….hehehe

14. Order the cake:
- Later

15. Confirm all bookings in writing.

16. Start doing regular beauty maintenance –
-Facials, hair treatment, spa.....

5 months before

17. Attend initial fitting for the wedding dress

18. Choose the brides wedding shoes and accessories
-i'm considering Stuart Weiztman's heels

19. Choose the wedding attire for the groom, best man, bridesmaids, fathers, mothers and ushers
- aja's side: maybe brownish gold
-yeop's side : not decided yet

20. Choose the brides and grooms wedding rings
- Already have engagement ring from TOMEI
-Aja: considering Habib's (ring, necklace, bracelet)
-Yeop: Platinum ring. Where to find one????

21. Order your wedding favours and hantaran
-Aja : maybe combination of gold + soft pink for hantarans?
-Yeop : donno yet

22. Order the wedding invitations and other stationery.
-Bali survey?

4 months before

23. Go to a beauty salon and have a makeover
- Spa & hair treatment!Itu is a must!!

24. Book a beautician for your wedding day, if required
-Ini kira mak andam le nih...hihi.I'm still surveying on it.

25. Prepare all the doorgifts
-Not yet decided

26. Prepare bridal bedroom decor.
-New bedsheet?
-New paint?

3 months before

27. Send out the wedding invites

1 month before

28. Arrange for a final fitting of your wedding dress.
- Later

29. Reconfirm the wedding arrangements with the canopy people
- Later

30. Reconfirm the wedding arrangements with the caterer.
- Senang je!

31. Reconfirm the wedding arrangements with the florist.
- Later

32. Reconfirm the wedding arrangements with the photographer and videographer
- Later

33. Telephone any guests who have not yet responded to your invitation.

34. Organise a date when you can pick up you’re wedding outfits.

7 Days before

35. Wear-in your wedding shoes. Its will give brides who are not used to walking in high heels a chance to practice.

36. Organise with a close friend to have an emergency wedding kit, just for the bride, containing makeup and a repair kit for the wedding dress, so you can be ready for any minor hiccups through the day.

p/s: Will update the list if necessary. This is only my prelim list!=)

♥ Love♥

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

lovely dress by

Salam all! =)

Lately i've been thinking a lot about my wedding preparations....since we haven't really decide the exact "tarikh" yet, i hava a "blurry" vision on what's ahead.

can i really do something right now besides on surveying?

is it worth the time left?

i really don't know me please!
: or.........perhaps i can have a checklist 1st?:what:

Thursday, July 2, 2009


♥ 31 May 2009 ♥ (Sunday)

Farah Fazarina Mohamad
Muhammad Azizirrahim Mohd Yusoff

~Tanah Merah,Kelantan~